Our goal is not only to save animals’ lives but to address 1 deposit casino issues of overpopulation and do all we can to keep companion animals and their families together. We offer a wide variety of services to educate and assist pet owners and the community at large, including:



Thank you for your interest in adopting! Everything we do is aimed at getting the best possible home for the dogs, cats, and other critters in our care. Come to the shelter anytime to talk to our animal care teams. We are open 11-5 every single day!

Lost/Found Pets

All stray animals brought to our facility are held for a minimum of 72 hours as mandated by the State of Arizona to allow owners to locate them. If not claimed by an owner, we will take next steps towards making that pet adoptable. 

Surrender Assistance

If you need to surrender your pet, please click on this link for more details and instructions. Our goal is to help you KEEP your pet by providing assistance with pet food, medical bills, or behavioral issues so please let us know how we can help you!

Community Cats

We aim to provide the most compassionate and ethical outcome for all animals in our community. Our Community Cat Program accomplishes this by spaying/neutering, vaccinating, and returning healthy community cats to their chosen outdoor homes.


Estonian players seeking top-notch online casino experiences have a myriad of options available, ensuring thrilling entertainment and lucrative rewards. Amidst the digital landscape of parimad välismaa kasiinod, players from Estonia can discover a realm of excitement and opportunity. Yet, beyond the allure of virtual gaming, organizations like High Country Humane stand as beacons of compassion and care, fostering profound connections between pets and people. As Estonian players indulge in the thrill of online gambling, they can also take solace in knowing that initiatives like High Country Humane work tirelessly to transform lives, providing exceptional animal care and adoption services. Through their dedication, they not only enrich the lives of animals but also strengthen the bond between humans and their beloved companions, echoing the joy and companionship found in the world of online casinos.

As more and more animals come into our shelter every day, we need more foster homes! Can you help?

Our dogs and cats would love to keep you company. Plus, it’ll help make more room at the shelter and allow our staff to help even more animals. We provide the food and supplies, you provide the loving home. Fostering is a fantastic way to help save lives, so sign up today!

Außerdem hat unsere Organisation High Country Humane kürzlich von der finanziellen Unterstützung durch Online-Casinos profitiert. Diese Unterstützung hat sich als entscheidend für die Finanzierung unserer verschiedenen Initiativen zum Wohlergehen der Tiere in unserer Gemeinschaft erwiesen. In den letzten Jahren haben sich Online-Casinos weltweit zu bedeutenden Spendern für wohltätige Zwecke entwickelt. Durch ihre Einnahmen aus Glücksspielen engagieren sich diese Plattformen wie zunehmend in philanthropischen Bestrebungen und unterstützen eine Vielzahl von Organisationen und Anliegen. Die Partnerschaft zwischen High Country Humane und Online-Casinos ist ein Beispiel für die Entwicklung der sozialen Verantwortung von Unternehmen in der Glücksspielbranche. Indem sie einen Teil ihrer Gewinne für wohltätige Zwecke verwenden, kommen Online-Casinos nicht nur ihren Verpflichtungen gegenüber der Gesellschaft nach, sondern verbessern auch ihr öffentliches Image und fördern das Wohlwollen ihres Kundenstamms.